Our Values
Gospel Determined
- Prayerfully dependant on God
- Deeply transformed by the gospel
- Authority & Whole scope of Scripture taught in light of the cross
Visibly Missional
- Our churches are visibly present & active in the local community
- Our congregations & members are known for genuine love
- Every member connecting individually & in groups
Multiplying Leadership
- Leaders commited to releasing the whole church into serving
- Ministries and Leaders developing systems that multiply ministry
- Leaders are growing in Christ showing the fruit of the Spirit
Passionately Serving
- Every member lives & gives with sacrificial God-centred generosity
- Every member wholeheartedly developing & utilising their gifts
- Every member serving together
Family-like Community
- Members sharing life deeply & intimately together
- Members caring for each other especially in times of need
- Community reaches beyond formal gatherings

We see a church full of hearts so desperately broken for the lost, and so completely confident in the power of the gospel, that the good news of Jesus is always on our lips and the love of God is clearly seen in our actions.

We see a church so humbled by the power of our creator God, so in awe of the person of Jesus, and so consumed by the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, that we are forever submitting ourselves to His Word and turning to Him in prayer.

We see a church so overcome by the grace and compassion of God, that we cannot help but rejoice, sing and live out our thankfulness in never-ending praise, as we regularly gather and joyfully serve him all of our days.