Becoming an independent Anglican Church meant it was important to find a new name to clearly communicate our identity in the local area. Previously, Life Anglican Riverstone was connected to Life Anglican Quakers Hill. As the Parish of Riverstone was established once again as an independent Anglican Church, it became clear that sharing a name with the other neighbouring Churches was confusing people who were trying to connect with us.


Jan 1885

St Paul’s Anglican Church, Riverstone

Windsor Anglican Church oversaw the planting of a new Church in Riverstone and the construction of the current traditional Church building.

Jan 1885
Jan 2013

Life Anglican Church

Riverstone, Quakers Hill, Stanhope(originally) &
Marsden Park (Eventually) operated as one name under Rector Geoff Bates

Jan 2013
Aug 2017

Riverstone Anglican Revitalised

Rev Daniel Walmsley grafted a planting team with the current congregation in Riverstone under Acting
Rector Geoff Bates

Aug 2017
Oct 2022

New Rector of Riverstone Parish

Rev Daniel Walmsley became the rector of Riverstone operating under the name Life Anglican Church Riverstone. The Church continued to operate under that name, partnering with Senior Minister Geoff Bates at Life Anglican Church Quakers Hill and Senior Minister Mark Collins at Life Anglican Church Marsden Park

Oct 2022
Jan 2024

Establishing local Churches

As the partnership between Riverstone, Quakers Hill and Marsden Park strategically wound down, it became clear an independent name would help make each Church more clearly identifiable.

Jan 2024
Nov 2024

A New Name: New Light Anglican

Life Anglican Church, Riverstone officially launched its new name as New Light Anglican Church

Nov 2024

Why not a traditional name?

St Paul’s Anglican Church Riverstone

To some in our community, we will always be “St Paul’s Anglican Church Riverstone”. And of course we could have returned to that name. It is however a well-used name in Churches everywhere and having already stopped using the name Saint Paul’s, pursuing a more unique name seemed wise.

Riverstone Anglican Church

In some ways we will always use the name “Riverstone Anglican” to some extent, after all, we are officially the Anglican Parish of Riverstone. We wanted to do more to establish our identity in the local community than just our geographic location. We love Riverstone and the people of the suburb but we also recognise our reach is bigger than the suburb itself.

Why “New Light”?

“New Light” in the Bible

Jesus is the eternal light but brought something “new” when he was born as a human, pointed people back to God in his teaching and made a way to God in his death & resurrection.

Jesus brings new light to the believer.

Believers become a new light to those around them.

People seek many things as a source of light in their life. Other religions, finances, possessions, relationships, recognision, success. Jesus makes it clear that he is the only true light.

The New Light is the True Light.

Our Story

New Story for our Church

As a historic Church that struggled for many years, now revitalised, we feel like there is
“new light” in the life of the Church.

The New Story of Our Area

A historic town, Riverstone declined since 1980 after losing its primary industry. Now
swallowed by Sydney’s growing North West, the surrounding area is seeing new Life.

Mission in a Renewing Area

As Riverstone’s town centre infrastructure lags behind the surrounding suburbs, we
desire a name communicates our revitalised community with the many young families
moving in.

Mission in an increasingly Multicultural Area

“Light” is an image of positivity, spirituality and life in many cultures and religions, but in particular amongst people from India, Hindus and Buddhists. Our prayer is that “New Light” might support our mission in reaching these people groups with the Light of Jesus.